
What NOT to Include in Your Relationship Evidence: #3 Alcohol Use


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What Not to Include in Relationship Evidence

Welcome back to our article series on what not to include in your application as evidence of your relationship. As mentioned previously, it is easy to submit things with your best intentions that you think will prove your relationship and accidentally cause yourself a lot more problems.

As immigration attorneys, our job is to sidestep potential landmines to get you smoothly through the process. We want to have as few detours and legal hang-ups as possible. One of the types of evidence that we would avoid for proof of your relationship is anything having to do with use of alcohol.

True, there’s no law against having a beer in America. In fact, some people would consider it a patriotic act to have a can of Bud light and watch the Super Bowl!

Keep Private Things Private

We know that you might have pics of you at parties, or smoking a cigarette, or drinking a beer. There’s nothing inherently wrong with that. You just don’t want to submit them with your case. That’s because some officers see these photos and wonder if you’re involved in other things. They may wonder about drug use or driving while under the influence. These are problems that could disqualify you from obtaining a green card or citizenship. It also called into question your level of personal judgment since you consider that a good idea to submit those photos.

So please, let’s only submit the photos of you on your best, most upstanding, Grandma-approved behavior. (We know – some of you have grandmas who can get pretty crazy. We’re talking about your well-behaved grandmothers only!)


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