
Processing Times 2022 for a Travel Document and Work Permit

When people are coming to the US after receiving their fiancé visa or they’ve applied for that work authorization concurrently with their adjustment of status, they are kind of in this limbo of waiting for their ability to travel home and the ability to work. This is probably the most frequent hardship that we hear […]

Consular Post Interview – The Officer’s Perspective

Have you ever wondered what your interview at a consular post is going to look like? In consular interviews, officers are tasked with three major things. The first one is to verify your identity and review all of your documents. Make sure that you’ve brought everything that you are supposed to have brought and that […]

What Does It Mean for Immigrants to “Wait in Line”?

Let’s talk a little bit about this waiting-in-line process that we hear so much about. It’s a very arbitrary line and most people don’t exactly know what that means. For our clients, that line essentially is the starting point of the submission of an application with USCIS which is a department of citizenship and immigration […]

Great News! Update on Consular Interviews

Going through an immigration process is oftentimes stressful and frustrating. And so, it’s important to make sure you have some good news every once in a while. This great news relates to consular interviews and the wait times for those interviews. Consular interviews are part of the process for spouse visas and fiancé visas. It’s […]

What to Expect When You’re Petitioning

Many of you have heard about the book What to Expect When You’re Expecting and with our clientele, that might even be an appropriate book. We’re going to take a little twist on that and talk about what to expect when you’re the petitioner or when you’re petitioning with USCIS. Rule #1: Expect the unexpected […]

Notice of Intent to Deny Explained

NOID or Notice of Intent to Deny is something that is given by USCIS later in the immigration process. You may have already submitted a petition of some sort, received an RFE, or had an interview. These come very late in the process and it does not mean that the case is denied. It’s a […]

What to Expect at My Consular Interview?

The consular can have interviews for all sorts of other visas and visa processes and if you’ve been a frequent flyer at a consular post for visas such as visitor and student visas, they do have the ability to waive the consular interview. But with regard to spousal visas and fiancé visas, you will likely […]

I-90 Green Card Renewals: 24 Month Extension

As you know, immigration is not the speediest of processes. There are always delays. It is unfortunately something that we’re seeing across the board. Immigration is trying to make it a little bit speedier and more efficient. One of the most recent things that has come out has been for the I-90s. If you are […]

3 Things You Need to Know About the Status of DACA

DACA or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals was first created to shield youth from removal proceedings in 2012. It’s essentially administrative relief that not only protects them from removal from the country but also gives them work authorization. There are some stipulations on who can even register for this. You have to be of a […]

Will an Immigration Attorney Speed Up My Case?

Having an immigration attorney isn’t going to be a magic solution to make your immigration case go faster. We’ve all seen lawyer TV shows and they have some magic solution that just speeds things up but that’s not real life. Having an immigration attorney can help make your case go faster in the sense that […]

What is the I-601A Provisional Waiver

One of the biggest misconceptions is that a waiver is a waiver and that’s not true. There are many different types of waivers and each one is specifically for some specific issue. We have seen a lot of people who try to do things themselves and will submit what they think is what the waiver […]