Starting April 1st, the I-864P guidelines have been updated. It’s something that happens every year and so we anticipated that.
There’s part of a process to receive a green card called an Affidavit of Support. It’s also called form I-864. You have to show that before you can receive a green card, that the immigrant will not become a public charge. With that, the petitioner who is the United States citizen spouse or permanent resident has to provide their financial information.
The way to determine how much you have to make to be able to be the sole sponsor is by checking form I-864P. The I-864P poverty guidelines changes as of April 1st are very slight and you can find them through this link: 2021 HHS Poverty Guidelines for Affidavit of Support.
On that page, click the drop down of the state you are in to check the amount per household size. Household size refers to the number of members the sponsor will provide for. For example, a household size of two includes only you and your spouse.
The change is slight on all of these categories. It’s a few hundred dollars and varies in each category. This is important if you’re on the line, you’ll definitely want to make sure you take a look at these changes on the chart and make sure that you qualify.